Friday, July 22, 2011


As you all know, it's been pretty damn hot lately. The thought of even getting dressed the past couple of days is enough to make me want to yell (let's face it: nothing is comfortable or cute in 100 degree weather. A.C please). But food? That's where it gets tricky. Most food is hot..and when your skin is already boiling from the hellish temperatures outside, what's your palate to do? Eat some strawberries!

While grocery shopping, I decided to pick up some strawberries. Now i'm not one to really snack on these but recently i've been enjoying the taste of them much more than usual. Maybe it's a texture thing, but I never really cared about just biting into one. Strawberries, however, are the type of fruit that can be used in so many ways and the flavor can be savored (oy, that rhymes) endlessly. Not to mention they're a great source of vitamin C, fiber and potassium. Here are two extremely simple ways I used them this week:

Sweeten up some boring iced water:

- slice up some fresh strawberries (or frozen! just let them thaw out a bit) in any way you please. I like to cut off the green part, and slice them up a bit on the thinner side so the 'flesh' of the berry really gets soaked up in the water.

-add your fruit slices & a decent amount of ice cubes into a pitcher
-fill up with water & put in the fridge for about 30 mins to let it all soak together! Keep chilled. THE END!

Oh and if you're in the mood to completely cancel out most of the nutritional value (well, kinda) then dip them in some melted chocolate (i used 1/2 cup of milk and a 1/2 cup of chocolate chips melted on the stove til it was smooth and saucey) & chill for one hour in the fridge on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet.

Nothin' like corrupting a sweet innocent berry.

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